Sacred Friends: Darley mums love little stars

Two Darley mothers are hoping to help children feel empowered.

Tammy Bennett and Nerissa Kennedy recently released their first children’s book, I Found The Answer, a response and answer to popular nursery rhyme Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

And now they want to share the answer with the children of the world – the real stars.

“They are the stars,” Kennedy said. “They are the diamond of creation.”

The mothers, who have six children between them, hope children will share the verses of the book with each other, sing them and have fun. But their main hope is that the book serves as a reminder to children that they are stars.

The pair, who have been friends for more than two decades, spent lots of time over the years doodling, writing and sharing stories before they turned their words and passion into a project called Sacred Friends.

Through Sacred Friends they hope to continue to develop products to inspire children while raising funds for children’s organisations around the world.

“Our intention for Sacred Friends is to create things that inspire children to believe,” Bennett said.

“To believe in themselves, to believe in love and to believe in their dreams.”

For more information about Sacred Hearts or to purchase the book, visit or