Melton Parkinson’s support system highly valued

About eight people regularly attend the Melton Parkinson’s Support Group but there are thousands more who could benefit from the group’s work.

Laurie Boussard, who has been living with Parkinson’s for 38 years, says attending the monthly gatherings is crucial for his social and mental well-being.

“Going to support groups is very important,” the 71-year-old said.

Mr Boussard said the meetings had equipped him with knowledge about services, such as meals-on-wheels, he otherwise would have not known about.

“I’ve got an alarm system – I press the button on my arm and an ambulance comes to my house,” he said. “I learnt about all of these things after coming to the support meeting.”

Parkinson’s Victoria will be in Melton next month to discuss the disease, the latest sympton-management strategies and services available in the area.

Clinical nurse and health information team manager Victor McConvey stressed the importance of support groups.

“Any chronic illness is socially isolating,” he said. “Having people in an environment where they don’t have to explain themselves is empowering.”

The information session will be on Thursday, November 13, from 10.30am-12.30pm at the Melton Community Health Centre, corner High Street and Yuille Street, Melton. For details, call Breanna on 9581 8700.