Kurunjang: Ashes of triplets returned to distraught family

It was the cruelest blow – the precious ashes of Kurunjang parents Joanne and Mark Valiukas’s stillborn triplets were stolen during a burglary last Thursday.

Last week, the couple wept and pleaded with the “heartless” thieves to return the remains of their children to their mother, “where they belonged”.

The Valiukas’s heartbreak was replaced with relief at the weekend when Melton teenager Josh Fitzpatrick, 17, found the box containing the ashes under a tree at the side of a road in Melton South.

Mrs Valiukas thanked the “hero” who “gave us back everything”.

“He took the time to race home to his mum and do the right thing,” she said.

“A lot of people don’t; he’s an incredible young man and I just have no words.

“Thank you seems so inadequate, but it’s all I have.”

Police said the thieves might have seen the media coverage of the theft and decided to leave the ashes in a place where they could be easily found.

About 6pm last Thursday, the family returned to their Christina Crescent house to find it had been ransacked and a brown box – clearly marked as the cremated remains of their three children who died more than 15 years ago – had been stolen.

It is believed the thieves broke in through a side window of the lounge room before “completely trashing” the family home, turning over couches, spilling creams, cutting through stuffed toys and stealing Christmas presents, laptops, jewellery and an iPhone.

Police have conducted forensic tests on the box to help locate the stolen goods.

They believe a man and a woman in a white Commodore sedan, with white and red personalised plates that was parked near the house, can assist with their inquiries.

Anyone with information is urged to call CrimeStoppers on 1800 333 000.