Moorabool launches strategic plan for domestic wastewater

Moorabool council has adopted a new domestic wastewater management plan which came into effect after last Wednesday’s council meeting.

Moorabool is now only the second local government area in Victoria to have such a plan in place.

Moorabool chief executive Rob Croxford said adopting the plan was significant for the shire.

“The state government recently updated a range of legislation, policies and regulations that raised the bar in terms of protecting public health, the environment and water quality,” Mr Croxford said.

“Victorian shires with open, potable water supply catchment areas that don’t have this plan in place were finding it near impossible to get planning permission to build in these areas.”

The new plan enables council to better manage wastewater and outlines how it can monitor and minimise potential public health and environmental risks from existing septic systems in Moorabool, and ensure any new systems are correctly installed and operated.

The plan was put to council for adoption after a four-week public exhibition period in July.

“Both the public and water authorities were generally supportive of the draft plan when it went out for consultation,” Mr Croxford said.

“Some minor modifications and clarifications were highlighted and incorporated into the plan adopted [at the council meeting].”

They include the council’s commitment to monitor the new plan after the first six months and every 12 months thereafter to continuously improve it in future versions.

The plan means landowners will find it easier to get planning permits for new homes.

Mr Croxford said landowners who previously had permits refused because water authorities could not confidently determine adequate waste water management to be in place, will now be able to reapply as the plan provides a much higher level of certainty.

The council also has committed ongoing resources to implement the plan so that residents with septic systems can access expert advice from the council regarding septic system installation, management and troubleshooting, Mr Croxford said.

The plan will be available online and in service centres by Friday, October 10.