$400,000 pledge for Ballan Recreation Reserve

Ballan Recreation Reserve will get a $400,000 facelift if the Napthine government is re-elected in November.

Premier Denis Napthine pledged the funding during a visit to Ballan last week, when he was joined by the Liberal candidate for Buninyong, Ben Taylor.

“The reserve is used by hundreds of community members on a regular basis, being home to football, netball, tennis, karate and bowls clubs,” Dr Napthine said.

“This funding will be provided to the Shire of Moorabool, which will work in partnership with the recreation reserve committee and users to upgrade the reserve’s facilities.

“The funding can also be used for any future extension of the oval so that the size of the football surface meets AFL standards.”

Dr Napthine said the reserve needed significant work, including refurbishment of the tennis courts, pavilion improvements and refurbished toilets.

He said the main entrance to the reserve also needed a facelift and other work could include improvements to the carpark.

“This is a great place for newcomers and what better place to integrate them into the community than through different sporting clubs and facilities to make them feel a genuine part of the Ballan community,” Dr Napthine said. “You have to have the proper facilities to do that.”

Moorabool mayor Paul Tatchell said the reserve was an integral part of the community and needed upgrading to accommodate Ballan’s growing population.

It provided a place for all residents to learn and interact with each other.

“Towns like Ballan are so reliant on recreational reserves,” Cr Tatchell said.

“They provide somewhere for learning all the things you don’t learn at school, whether through sport or other recreational activities.”