MP Simon Ramsay to become a marathon man

MP Simon Ramsay will swap his business suit for a track suit when he hits the road in the Melbourne Marathon next month.

Mr Ramsay, the Liberal MP for Western Victoria, will be part of the National Centre for Farmer Health team and will be joined by parliamentary colleagues and representatives of the Victorian Farmers Federation.

“The Melbourne Marathon and fun runs like this are important events to engage communities in exercise and help raise money for healthcare services across Victoria,” Mr Ramsay said.

“The sustainable farm family program has been pivotal in helping farmers meet the challenge of long droughts that cause both physical and mental anguish.

“It’s one of many programs aimed at engaging farmers and farming families in active choices about health and lifestyle.”

Mr Ramsay raised the importance of health care in Parliament last week when he praised towns like Ararat for being active in encouraging good eating and exercise in the community.

“I congratulate towns like Ararat which, faced with rising obesity and diabetes in their community, put together community engagement programs such as Ararat Active, which encourages participating in good eating and exercise,” he said.

Mr Ramsay said the best investment a government could make was in the area of preventive health care and he congratulated the Napthine government for its commitment to programs like Healthy Living Victoria.

“While I enjoy taking part in fun runs like Run Ballarat, Run Geelong and the Melbourne Marathon to promote and support healthcare services like Western Health and the National Centre for Farmer Health, the important work is to help those who require a change of lifestyle for a longer and healthier life,” he said.