Sexist grafitti ‘not on’, says Buninyong candidate

Requests for graffiti removal to Brimbank council have dropped significantly over the past three years.

Nationals Buninyong candidate Sonia Smith has slammed vandals who covered an election billboard in sexist and X-rated graffiti last week.

Ms Smith’s election sign on the Midland Highway was the target of sexist graffiti within 24 hours of being put up last Sunday.

Ms Smith said she was shocked to see the sign tagged and covered in pornographic drawings, but she was not going to stand for any acts of sexism.

“Sexism or racism, it’s not on,” Ms Smith said.

“I think there’s a vital message here about respect for women in general.

“I’m the only female candidate in the marginal seat of Buninyong at this point.

“I firmly believe we need more females in decision-making positions to help protect the rights of women and the vulnerable people they often find themselves caring for.

“Do we see male candidates being treated like this?”

Ms Smith, a new mum, said one of the reasons she was running for a seat in Parliament was to encourage other women to engage in politics.

“What sort of message does [this] send to women?”, Ms Smith said.

“To be honest, this doesn’t faze me at all; it actually makes me feel more determined. But it is disappointing.”

The sign has been taken down and replaced.