Brave Isaac proves the docs wrong, time and again

Isaac Niazmand is a living miracle. At the tender age of four, he has jumped big health hurdles and fought life-threatening situations that even doctors didn’t think he could survive.

His birth happened so quickly that his mother, Terri, was caught short and had to be rushed to hospital.

Isaac’s umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and when he arrived at hospital doctors couldn’t find a pulse.

They did everything they could to resuscitate him until, after 18 minutes, they finally found a tiny pulse.

Even so, doctors advised his parents, who live in Caroline Springs, to turn off his life support as they said Isaac would have no quality of life.

The machine was turned off, Isaac was visited by a chaplain and Mrs Niazmand was told to organise his funeral.

But then Isaac started to breath on his own.

“He just defied the odds,” Mrs Niazmand said.

“There have been so many close calls in the last couple of years, but he has managed to pull through.”

Because of his traumatic birth, Isaac has cerebral palsy, which affects all his limbs.

But he doesn’t let it stop him and he continues to kick goals. His mum said his personality has started blossoming since he started attending the Cerebral Palsy Education Centre (CPEC) this year.

Mrs Niazmand said CPEC had changed the whole family’s life and they wanted to give something back. They are taking part in the Melbourne Marathon next month to raise funds for CPEC.

“The world-class therapists at CPEC have provided Isaac with lots of life skills which will enable him to be as independent as possible in future,” Mrs Niazmand said..

Isaac’s next journey will be to start kindergarten next year.

To donate to the Isaac Melbourne Marathon fund-raising page, visit