Sunbury out of Hume: Diggers Rest torn between two councils

Melton council has dismissed a report recommending Diggers Rest become part of a new independent Sunbury municipality.

The state government Sunbury-out-of-Hume panel delivered its plan for Sunbury to secede from the City of Hume in July next year.

One of the panel’s recommendations was that the whole of the township of Diggers Rest be included in the new municipality at a future date, subject to consultation with the town’s residents.

Melton mayor Bob Turner said he didn’t believe Diggers Rest should be part of Sunbury. “I don’t believe they would be any better supported within a new municipality, with its new problems, than in an established community like Melton,” he said.

“We value the people of Diggers Rest the same as we value the people in any part of Melton and we try to support them the best we can. They’re an integral part of our community.”

Watts ward councillor Renata Cugliari said it was appropriate the Diggers Rest community be able to decide.

And Melton chief executive Kelvin Tori said community sessions held by a ministerial panel indicated the people of Diggers Rest favoured staying in Melton.

Diggers Rest resident David O’Connor said there was merit in including the town within the new Sunbury municipality.

He said the move made sense with Diggers Rest now part of the expanded urban growth boundary for Sunbury and being included within the new state electorate of Sunbury.

“Given Diggers Rest has no direct access to Melton CBD and many residents in Diggers Rest feel more connected with Sunbury than Melton, it would seem logical for Diggers Rest to become part of the new municipality of Sunbury,” Mr O’Connor said. But he said he was pleased the panel had accepted the recommendation that Diggers Rest residents be consulted about possible boundary realignments.

“In my opinion, Diggers Rest does very well through Melton council and it would be my personal desire to remain with Melton,” he said.

“But I’m happy to support the majority of residents on this issue.”

The Sunbury-out-of-Hume report is available at