Toolern Vale and District Primary School pupils do their bit for birds

Toolern Vale and District Primary School has been recognised for its outstanding work in promoting sustainability and improving the habitat of local birdlife.

It has won the Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria Active Schools Award for 2014.

Sustainability Victoria chief executive Stan Krpan described the winners as “local sustainability leaders with lessons for all Victorians”.

“Every day around Victoria, thousands of people contribute to projects that conserve, protect and enhance their local environments through the Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria programs,” Mr Krpan said.

Mr Krpan said Toolern Vale primary school was active in areas of sustainability and biodiversity and took part in a range of programs, including working with BirdLife Australia.

The school’s award comes after years 5 and 6 pupils took part in a six-week series of science and information technology classes.

Each pupil researched a local bird species and the data they collected was published on BirdLife Australia’s Birds in Schools website.

Pupils then collaborated with Melton City Council and Melbourne Water to revegetate part of the creek behind the school with indigenous plants.