Western Freeway’s Rockbank fix ‘by early next year’

Much-needed repair work on the Western Freeway is expected to be finished by early next year.

The MP for Western Victoria, Simon Ramsay, said the works between Troups Road North and Hopkins Road in Rockbank would be done over summer.

Mr Ramsay raised the matter in State Parliament earlier this month, seeking an urgent commitment from Transport Minister Terry Mulder for the upgrade works.

“Western Freeway users will be pleased to hear this news, given their concerns about the condition of the freeway at this location,” Mr Ramsay said. “This section of freeway is faltering. It’s a nuisance to drivers and needs immediate fixing.”

Mr Ramsay said the work would get to the root of the problem by fixing the weaker pavement areas in some sections, and motorists would enjoy a much smoother drive to work, home or on weekend trips by early 2015.

“The works will also help prolong the life of the freeway by making it more durable so it can be enjoyed by drivers in the years to come,” he said.

“Western Freeway is a vital route between Melbourne and Ballarat, with the growing urban areas of Melton and Bacchus Marsh along the way.”

He said the freeway carried about 60,000 vehicles through Rockbank every day and had suffered from “wear and tear” mainly caused by heavy vehicles.