Melton City LEADS the way on environment

Melton City Council is again doing its bit for the environment with an energy efficiency program.

Funded jointly with the federal government, LEADS – Lead, Educate, Advocate, Demonstrate and Sustainability – is a project aimed at reducing the council’s overall greenhouse gas emissions with a range of energy-saving initiatives.

They include replacing about 3800 streetlights with new technology, improving the energy efficiency of a number of community facilities by upgrading infrastructure, and teaching residents in low socio-economic and disadvantaged communities how to reduce their household energy consumption.

The council launched LEADS with the installation of pool blankets at Melton Waves and it stands to prevent 2900 tonnes of greenhouse emissions a year, at an estimated saving of about $316,450.

Mayor Bob Turner said the initiatives implemented under the project were diverse, innovative and far-reaching.

“Council has a responsibility to minimise its impact on the environment and create a brighter future for our residents,” Cr Turner said.

“We hope the proactive approach modelled through LEADS helps to inspire our residents and businesses to take action in their own homes and places of work.”

The council project will be rolled out over the next two years.