Ballan tree dream takes root

By Yasemin Talat

A vision for a Ballan-wide arboretum may soon become a reality with the help of generous donations and community support.

Earlier this year, a group of Ballan residents launched their novel vision for Ballan to become an arboretum by committing to the importance and beauty of Ballan’s trees.

Ballan Arboretum group member Stephanie Day said the vision of the plan’s supporters had since sparked interest from many other groups and locals, with donations for tree-planting projects rolling in and new projects under way.

Ms Day, who has a background in horticulture, said trees were incredibly important for the community.

“This project of ours is about infrastructure … because a tree is about the infrastructure,” she said. “We have to leave a legacy in 25 years’ time for the next generation of people who live in Ballan.

“That’s our idea, that we’re planning for the future, not just for now.”

While traditional arboretums are normally contained within botanic gardens, the group feels the notion could be grown to support a new and creative concept for Ballan.

A Moorabool-based academic, Michael Howard, has jumped on board with his RMIT landscape architecture students, who will work on designs for tree planting in Ballan in addition to their academic studies.

The students, who visited Ballan last week, will familiarise themselves with the town, research arboretums and investigate how an arboretum could be extended to encompass the entire town.

The Ballan Quilt and Craft Group also appreciated the vision and has donated $5000 to the cause.

The group will use the donation to plant deciduous trees at Ballan’s eastern and western entrances, working in collaboration with Moorabool council.

The group has also received donations from the Ballan & District Chamber of Commerce and from individual residents.

Planting is expected to start next year. The Ballan Arboretum group is committed to developing the arboretum concept in partnership with the community and the council.

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