Free service for cancer women

Bacchus Marsh and Melton are gaining the benefits of a dedicated breast cancer nurse, thanks to funding from the McGrath Foundation.

Sue Bartlett, (picturd) who is based at Bacchus Marsh Community Health Centre, provides support to people affected by breast cancer and offers physical, psychological and emotional support from diagnosis to treatment and beyond.

“With many years’ experience, I’m aware of the impact a diagnosis of breast cancer can have on both the person affected and their family, not only physically but emotionally,” she said.

“Some know they’ll never be cured and have to live with chronic illness.”

Breast cancer is Australia’s third-
most-common cancer, with about 15,000 women diagnosed every year.

Families in Bacchus Marsh and surrounding communities can self-refer to this free service by contacting Sue on 5320 6700 or 0478 308 425.

To make a donation visit