MELTON IDOL: Winner Jordan Orr steps up a grade

Singers of the west will soon have the chance to gain, even captivate, an audience as this year’s Melton Idol contest fast approaches.

Auditions for the annual talent contest will be held at The Gap this weekend, with last year’s junior winner encouraging budding artists to “give it a go”.

Jordan Orr, who won last year’s junior category, will take a shot at the senior title this year. The 13-year-old said she was thrilled when she won last year and was looking forward to competing again. “I’m really looking forward to it . . . I’m a bit nervous but I have really high expectations,” Jordan said.

Jordan, an avid country music follower, told

Star Weekly she was inspired by singers like Keith Urban and Carrie Underwood and hoped for a career in the industry.

The Melton Catholic Regional College student said she used music to express her emotions and had tried her hand at writing lyrics.

“I’ve competed in a lot of singing competitions.

‘‘It’s something I love to do . . . it’s a great way to express yourself,” she said.

Auditions and registrations are being held at The Gap from 10am-2pm this Saturday.

The junior finals are on August 16 and the seniors competition takes place in early November.