Melton region dog owners warned on parvovirus vaccinations

Melton council is continuing to urge dog owners to ensure their animals are adequately vaccinated following a number of reported
cases of the deadly parvovirus in the community.

Parvovirus – or ‘parvo’ as it’s commonly known – is a highly infectious virus that attacks dogs’ gastrointestinal tracts and cardiovascular systems. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, lethargy, unwillingness to eat and uncontrollable vomiting.

Mayor Bob Turner said the best method of protecting a dog against diseases such as parvovirus, canine cough, distemper and hepatitis was vaccination.

“For these diseases, prevention is critical,” he said. “I strongly encourage dog owners to have their animals vaccinated by a local vet.

“Viruses can spread within the dog population as quickly as the human cold spreads from person to person. So it’s extremely important to talk to your vet regarding appropriate vaccination schedules.”

Cr Turner said all dogs should be taken to a vet once a year and the appropriate vaccine cover should be selected during a routine health check.

Dog owners are being encouraged to visit their local vet or Lort Smith Animal Hospital, with more information available at the Department of Environment and Primary Industries website:

For information on responsible animal ownership, visit the council’s website: