Parking tickets in City of Melton top 5000 … again

Melton motorists racked up more than 5000 parking tickets in the past financial year.

Figures from Melton City Council show 2662 infringement notices were issued in the city between July 1 and December 30 and 2682 between January 1 and June 30.

Melton council’s compliance manager, Ian Stewart, said most infringement notices were for safety- type offences around school zones, stopping or parking in a no-stopping area and for parking on footpaths and nature strips.

He said the number of fines in the past 12 months was about the same as the previous year.

The latest figures come in the wake of Star Weekly revealing the council is chasing more than $6 million in outstanding rates. These include legal fees, interest and previous years’ outstanding rates as of the end of the 2013-14 financial year.

Outstanding infringement payments across the municipality make up an additional $2 million.

Failure to pay a parking fine or to take any other action within 28 days can result in further enforcement action and further costs if the case goes to court.

But residents can ask for a review of their fines by sending application forms or letters to the council requesting a parking infringement be internally reviewed.