School holiday fun looms across Melton

Almost every parent in Melton is well acquainted with loom bands – the craze taking schools across Melbourne’s west by storm.

Now youngsters, such as Nathan, 8, and Natalie, 6, have yet another reason to “loom” their day away with Melton council offering loom band workshops these school holidays.

It’s a win-win for parents who will be able to enjoy some respite during the usually hectic holiday period while making sure their little ones are entertained in a safe and secure environment.

Other holiday activities at the Melton and Caroline Springs libraries include a movie afternoon, Lego activities, MYOS (Make Your Own Stuff) craft activities and NAIDOC storytime.

Entry for all activities requires a ticket which can be collected from the library service desk this week.

Numbers are limited for each activity. A full list of activities and times can be found at or call the library on 9747 5300.