FUNDRAISER: Bacchus Marsh gran lets the love flow for South Sudan

A Bacchus Marsh grandmother is hoping to change the lives of families living in South Sudan by hosting a fund-raising day this weekend.

After visiting the war-torn country with a close friend and native, Jenny Clements decided it was time to help a country struggling to survive. Along the way, Ms Clements is determined on saving a man who has helped to save many children who have been kidnapped and forced into slavery.

Ms Clements said that while visiting South Sudan in 2012, she observed the daily struggles faced by families. With grain prices very high, many could not afford to eat.

One man who grabbed her attention while in the country was Benjamin Baak, who has spent years providing a safe haven for children.

“He is my African ‘son’ and the most amazing person,” she said. “The world needs to hear his story. It was truly his heart that compelled him to save
those children because he doesn’t have the means.”

Ms Clements said the hut built by Mr Baak to house the children was washed away by floods last year, while his chickens – a main source of food – died after contracting a virus.

“There are constant disasters that even we can’t understand,” she said.

Ms Clements is helping to organise a family fun day at the Bacchus Marsh Hall on Saturday, June 21, from 10am-4pm. All proceeds will go towards helping families in South Sudan.

For further information, call Jenny on 0409 273 154 or visit