Dog terror for Kurunjang mum and toddler

A Kurunjang mother is calling on owners to keep their dogs on a leash after she and her toddler son were terrorised by one.

The mother of two, who wanted to remain anonymous, feared for the safety of her son when she was confronted by a “vicious-looking” dog that had escaped from a nearby home.

After chasing the pair, the animal attacked another dog that was also off a leash.

“It was a medium-sized dog and looked very aggressive . . . it looked ready to pounce and it was a very scary experience for my son,” the mother told Star Weekly.

“I have seen dogs off the leash in this area before and now I’m fearful to even take my children to the park.”

The concerned parent said she didn’t drive and relied on the local bus service to pick her daughter up from kindergarten.

And she has a clear message for dog owners after her close call: “Keep your dog on a leash and keep your homes secure [so the dog can’t get out],” she said.

“I thought this dog was going to attack so I had to get a lift to kinder and back.

“I usually take my kids to the park, but now I think I should get my husband to drive us.”

Boronia Reserve, Hillside and Navan Park, Melton, are the only two areas within the City of Melton where dogs can be exercised off lead.

Under Victorian law, all dog owners must confine their animals to their properties by keeping gates closed and installing escape-proof fences.