Eynesbury Road a ‘speed hotspot’, says resident

Speeding motorists are becoming a problem in the small community of Eynesbury, according to a worried resident.

David Lane is calling on Melton City Council to install traffic devices along Eynesbury Road to deter motorists from travelling above 50km/h.

Mr Lane, who has lived in Eynesbury for two years, said the road, which is the only way in and out for residents and visitors, had become a hotspot for motorists who were risking their lives and the lives of others with their reckless behaviour.

In desperation, the community-minded resident has even taken to using a radar board on two occasions in the past 18 months to show the speeds of passing motorists in a bid to convince the council that there’s a real problem in the area.

His results showed some motorists reaching speeds of up to 121km/h.

“The feeling in the community is that some people think the speed limit doesn’t apply to them,” he said.

“A natural chicane garden bed would make the road look narrower.”

Mr Lane praised local police for their constant presence in the area, saying speed cameras were regular fixtures.

“The cops have been great, They’re out there and constantly pulling people up.”

Engineering services manager Les Stokes said the council was aware of the speeding issue on Eynesbury Road and had previously conducted a traffic investigation.

“The investigation resulted in the installation of traffic islands and pedestrian crossing points to address the concerns of speed and pedestrian safety,” Mr Stokes said.