Biggest Morning Tea
St Bernards Primary School’s parents and friends committee is seeking donations of cakes, slices, biscuits and raffle prizes as it prepares to raise money for the Cancer Council. A Biggest Morning Tea will be held at the school hall at 10am this Friday.
■ 0411 127 264
Dance the night away
The Marsh Food Bus will hold a dinner to raise funds for the service, which helps Moorabool residents in need. A two-course meal will be served at St Bernards Hall in Lerderderg Street at 6pm on Saturday. Shazam will play from 8pm.
■ 0431 282 773 or
Community classes
Melton South Community Centre will hold courses on picture framing, spray tanning, jewellery and first aid next month.
■ 9747 8576
Social group
Parents Without Partners is a support and social network for single parents wanting to make new friends. The group meets every Wednesday night in Melton from 7pm.
■ 0429 547 206
Reconciliation Week
Take a guided walk through the Melton Botanic Garden and learn about plants native to the outer west. The walk will take about an hour. Meet at the corner of Tullidge Street and William Street at 10am this Friday.
■ 9743 3819
Children’s show
Families can enjoy a free pop culture puppet show on June 20. Featuring special effects and the music of the Traveling Wilburys, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Van Morrison and Bob Dylan, the show is at Melton Library and Learning Hub, 31 McKenzie Street at 4pm.
■ 9747 7200 or
Seniors expo
RoadSafe Westgate will hold a senior drivers expo in Altona on Saturday, June 14. The expo will provide information about road laws, health and medicines. Participants can have a free, confidential driving assessment in their own car.
■ 9315 9464
Ballan market
Ballan Lions Club’s next market is on June 7. Held on the first Saturday of each month, the market features a wide range of local crafts and secondhand goods. It’s at the Guides Hall in Inglis Street from 8am.
■ 5368 1177