YOUR VOICE: May 21-27

Tired of tip treatment

The resident who said the Boral tip is not on the nose must have rocks in his head. As for saying a few have a questionable agenda I find it very offensive – he said he lived in the area for two years, I have lived in the area for 22 years and most residents are sick and tired of the western suburbs becoming a dumping ground. I can assure our dear anonymous reader there is no beat up and he should get his facts right.

Phillip Buttigieg

The anonymous person is ignorant of modern water disposal options such as in Europe. This is a money pit for Boral and nothing more, at the expense of our community.

Andrew, via web

This ex-Warrnambool, new Deer Park resident has obviously got anosmia. You must be the only one in the area who can say they don’t smell the tip and the only one who supports the proposed expansion. Either way you will purely be taken and heard only as a Boral propaganda plant.

Deer Park Resident, via web

West Lakes Grammar a boon

I think it is good news for the Caroline Springs area to have more schools (New start for Mowbray, May 20). West Lakes Grammar School will give parents more options [for] their kids. Good work done by councillor Intaj Khan and David Warner.

Jason, via web

Support for safety bollards

I think that bollards can help with safety as well (Melton shop owner says bollards would boost shop safety, May 20). I have heard of instances of people driving their cars through shop windows because they aren’t paying attention. Sometimes preventative measures like this need to be taken.

Gary Puntman, via web

This area is full of hoons. The police and bylaws officers, including councillors, are letting this community down. The bollards are a good idea as pedestrian traffic is high during the day. Hence, the most likely case of a tragedy waiting to happen.

Today a car went through a fence of a house just one block across from Mr Tsegos’s shop, ending up on their verandah and causing structural damage to the house. It’s not the first time this property has been damaged.

Listen Up People, via web

Marching winners

Well done girls. (Thrills and drills as dance team take on national title, May 20). Congratulations!

Caryk, Dunolly

Flat tax

$196 to process a rates notice? Who are you guys trying to kid? There are about 12,000 rate-able properties in Moorabool, so that means it costs over $2 million to process the bills. What utter rubbish.

Good to see that the four East Moorabool councillors finally have a backbone. Farmers have disposable income and rates are a tax deduction for them; some of our older residents have valuable properties but no money each week to buy food, let alone a cup of coffee.

Digger, via web

Dim wits

Driving between Einsbury and Diggers Rest via Bacchus Marsh one night last week, I was angered by the number of drivers who refuse to dim their high-beam lights for oncoming traffic.

Add to this the illegal practice of operating fog lamps and it’s surprising that more drivers aren’t blinded with tragic results. The B-roads in our area can be dangerous enough without this idiocy.

David McCormack, Diggers Rest