YOUR VOICE: May 14-20

Windfarm noise regulation

The Nationals are taking positive steps to create an environment where local people, farmers and windfarms can co-exist in peace … and quiet. The party’s Buninyong branch sponsored a successful motion at the May 2 Victorian conference requiring that the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) regulate windfarm compliance with noise levels set out in the planning permits.

At the moment windfarm companies self-monitor and self-report. It makes sense that the EPA is the watchdog for windfarm compliance.

Using the EPA to monitor compliance will introduce a neutral umpire to help reduce conflict, improve communication between parties and result in the best outcome for our communities.

For development to be sustainable it is absolutely vital to involve and empower communities. For many people in my electorate, the roll out of the wind farms did and still does not meet that criteria.

We must put in place the necessary changes to make sure that development is sustainable and empowers communities.

Sonia Smith, Nationals Candidate for Buninyong