Gaining – the hidden reward for ‘giving back’

When Melton resident Michelle Davis retired eight years ago she decided it was time to give back to the community that had already given her so much.

The hardworking grandmother took up a volunteer position at the Melton Visitor Information Centre, and she hasn’t looked back.

Volunteering on a weekly basis, Ms Davis also spends time helping out at the Melton Library and Learning Hub visiting elderly people to deliver books . The smile on their face when they see her is priceless, she says.

“It’s so rewarding and you get to have a little chat with them. You can brighten their day just by giving them a smile and some of your time,” Ms Davis said. “Just being able to help someone, I think you get as much from them as you give.”

Ms Davis is just one of many Melton residents who will be recognised as part of the current National Volunteer Week.

Volunteers across Australia will embrace the theme “the power of volunteering” throughout the week with morning and afternoon teas, awards presentation and acknowledgements to say thank you to the six million volunteers who support organisations and individuals across the nation.

For Ms Davis, the support she receives from the community and the friendships she has made are reward enough, and she encourages other people to spend some time helping others.

“We all have the same goal to come in and help people. It really makes your day.”

Natalie Gallenti-Brekalo