Bacchus Marsh backyard gardener wins prize

A Bacchus Marsh backyard gardener has won first prize in this year’s Moorabool Best Backyard Vegie Patch competition.

Allan Pryor, who has been gardening for more than 12 years, was judged on his summer garden, which included tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplant.

The first-time entrant said he was thrilled to be picked from more than 20 other backyard growers and take home $500.

“I’m pretty passionate about my garden so it was great to be rewarded,” he said.

“Our family and friends, who we often give produce to, were more excited than us.”

The retired Clifton Park estate resident said he spent two hours a week tending his garden.

“If you miss those weekly hours, then it becomes a chore to bring it back to normal,” he says.

“I find it very relaxing. I’ll have a coffee and look after it. I wish weeds would grow more quickly at times, to give me more to do.

As the colder months roll around, Allan will tend a winter garden that includes silverbeet, spring onions, lettuce and broccoli.