Brimbank: Volunteer West reaches out with new offices

A new outreach service for people interested in volunteering in the western suburbs was launched last week.

Volunteer West, in partnership with Medicare Local and Melton, Brimbank and Maribyrnong councils, has opened offices in the three municipalities in a bid to encourage more people to volunteer.

General manager Emma Sharp said previously the organisation had been based in Altona, and there were limited opportunities for prospective volunteers to meet with appropriate services.

She said the new offices would benefit marginalised residents who felt more comfortable speaking in person.

“Our mission is about making volunteering more accessible and for those people who need extra support and may just want face-to-face contact,” she said.

“Volunteering is an important part of the whole community. Studies have shown it relates to improvements in general health and well-being and a reduction in crime and has an essential role in building a community.”

Ms Sharp said the new outreach service was a pilot program that would be ongoing, subject to federal government funding.

Medicare Local chief executive Vanda Fortunato said volunteering was an integral part of every community.

“I encourage everyone to visit … to see how they can get involved,” Dr Fortunato said.

Offices are located at Melton library and Sydenham Neighbourhood House.