Maddingley anger over rats, snakes and fires on block

Residents of a Maddingley street are still waiting for an “unsightly” block to be developed, warning that piles of discarded timber and dirt pose a fire hazard and are drawing snakes and rats to the area.

One resident, Cameron Wilson, said plans to develop the block neighbouring his Lodge Street property had been in the works for three years, but nothing had been done.

“Are we going to have to wait another two years with this hazardous and ugly site next door?,” he said.

“I’m sick of constantly complaining about it and having nothing done.”

Initial plans for the land, owned by South Melbourne’s King Ruby Developers, envisioned 26 units. A revised permit for 13 dwellings was granted by Moorabool council on April 2.

The land borders Werribee Vale Road and Peppertree Park.

A 100-place childcare centre is also planned for an ajoining lot bordering Labilliere Street.

Mr Wilson said he had complained to the council at least eight times, leading to an inspection of the block.

A council spokeswoman said: “Council issued a fire prevention notice last November and re-inspected in January this year, finding that the property complied with the fire prevention notice.

“After further concerns were raised by a neighbour, the property was again inspected and photographs of it were forwarded to the regional CFA’s vegetation management officer.”

CFA Grampians vegetation management officer Tony Brady said the CFA acted only on an advisory basis and it was not up to the emergency service to take action.

“We’re not an enforcement agency, so if council issues a notice, it’s up to it to pursue that,” Mr Brady said.

King Ruby Developers did not respond to requests for comment.