Day of fun and fund-raising honours Ajay’s memory

Melton has thrown its support behind a Royal Children’s Hospital fund-raiser being held in memory of a boy who died in a car accident.

Colleen Downie said community support for Sunday’s event, which honours nine-year-old Ajay Psaila, had been ‘‘massive’’.

“Last year his mum decided to put on a fund-raiser to raise money for the Royal Children’s Hospital, where Ajay stayed before passing away [in 2012],” Ms Downie said.

“It was organised three weeks beforehand; 5000 people turned up and [it] pulled in $8000. We had to go approaching people last year to be involved, but this year they have come back to me asking to be involved and other groups are coming on board.”

Sunday’s fund-raiser will have entertainment, a car show and live auction of items including toys made by Melton Men’s Shed members.

Melton Lions Club, the council, police and CFA are all involved. The event is from 10am-5pm at the Amphitheatre on High Street, Melton.

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