Moorabool briefs

councillors hit the road

West Moorabool ward councillor Tom Sullivan says Moorabool council’s next meeting will give Elaine residents a chance to see how local government works. “Council has scheduled four of its 2014 meetings at smaller towns throughout the shire, giving people greater access to meetings,” he said. The meeting is at Elaine Community Hall tomorrow from 5pm. Details: 5366 7100

pub clinic a boon for men

Moorabool doctor Ravin Sadhai will run a men’s health night, The Pub Clinic, in Myrniong on March 12. The event, in its seventh year, will include guest speakers cardiologist Andrew Burns and personal trainer Gerald Dixon. The event will be held at The Plough Inn, Myrniong. Details:

farmers invited online

Moorabool farmers aged 21 to 35 are being invited to take part in free online seminars as part of a national project focusing on the benefits of reducing on-farm greenhouse gas emissions. The first “webinar” will be held on Friday from noon-1pm. Register at

top up for the moorabool

The Moorabool River is to receive fresh water aimed at improving water quality. The Corangamite Catchment Management Authority will release 295 million litres of fresh water from Lal Lal Reservoir from today. It will result in flows of up to
45 million litres a day and is expected to raise the river level by about 20 centimetres, although water will remain well within channel limits. Details: