Moorabool sports ground bid an ‘unnecessary fix’

Volunteer committees that oversee Moorabool’s most popular sports reserves are facing the axe in a move one former chairwoman has labelled “pathetic”.

A council officers’ report has proposed that four committees of management be abolished and replaced with a recreation and leisure advisory committee including six community members.

Mayor Paul Tatchell said he was concerned that the Darley Park, Maddingley Park and Masons Lane committees of management currently had no chairman.

The Bacchus Marsh Racecourse and Recreation Reserve (BMRRR) committee, which has an elected chair, could also be cut.

“Something has to give – we can’t have these three committees running around without a leader,” Cr Tatchell said.

Former Maddingley Park committee chairwoman Margaret Scarff said the ‘‘super committee’’ was being pushed so the council could streamline its dealings with the groups.

“It’s preventing the community from having any input into their own resources,” she said.

Former Darley Park committee chairman Lee Gleeson said the super committee would not work for the BMRRR.

“It’s equine-based and their committee is full and functioning,” he said. “Don’t fix what ain’t broke.”

Councillors this month deferred the decision until the next meeting.

Cr Tonia Dudzik said the report didn’t give the right impression.

“It comes across as we’re sassing them, but the intention was to assist them with maintenance issues, accounts and managing day-to-day stuff,’’ she said.

‘‘More consultation is definitely needed.”