Fire kills music, band turns to crowd-funding

Members of Bacchus Marsh band Hollow Everdaze have turned to crowd-funding in a bid to replace music equipment lost in a fire at their Gisborne Road shed.

Two CFA trucks attended the February 7 blaze, which destroyed more than $10,000 of equipment housed in the shed.

The fire was not suspicious.

The shed was to be used on the cover of the band’s upcoming album, I Will Not Fear.

While the shed was insured, its contents were not. The band’s four members hope the crowd-funding campaign will help them get back on their feet for the album’s July release.

They’ve set a $6000 target to replace amps, a drum kit, keyboard, microphones and recording equipment.

“We’ve raised one-third of it already, and we’re hoping we can rebuild our space eventually,” bass player Jackson Kay said.

Kay said he and the band’s members – Daniel Baulch, Tim Karmouche and Guy Louis Faletolu – spent 80 per cent of their time in the shed on his family property. “I didn’t lose my childhood guitar like Dan did, so I wasn’t as heartbroken, but we’ve spent so much time there so it’s been pretty high stress.”
