YOUR VOICE: January 14-20


Moorabool council officers are suggesting very little change to the draft Ballan structure plan, despite strong community input regarding the preferred direction for any expansion south of the railway and the need for better protection of the Werribee River landscape.

Council officers appear to selectively shelter behind some parts of the existing Moorabool planning scheme yet propose a massive rezoning change for another area in defiance of this same scheme.

During the consultation phase of this project, we were clearly told that all options were back on the table.

Council officers have not fully reported important aspects of community input – for example, questioning of some of the population projections leading to a “need” for expansion – and have played down some facts.

I take particular exception to the officer response to my submission that “there is no right to a view and that the structure plan is attempting to keep key corridor vistas and provide landscape character in new development areas”.

These views and vistas are public property and without them the town becomes featureless.

The landscape study undertaken on behalf of council did not fully encompass or appreciate the present values.

Ballan has one councillor directly responsible for its area.

It is vital that all councillors, particularly those from Bacchus Marsh, come up and walk through the town before voting on this important plan for Ballan’s future.

I urge concerned citizens to discuss these matters with their elected representatives.


CEO CHALLENGES AUDIT (Weekly, December 10)

I agree with Melton chief executive Kel Tori: growth areas should have a different formula.

As for the library, given that more than 75 per cent was federally funded, it’s a cheap stunt to highlight this as “not in the equation”.


JOBS SITE (Weekly, December 10)

This is a great initiative that other councils with some state funding should look to adopt. With an economy that is shifting from manufacturing, we must make sure willing workers are given every chance. I hope it is successful.