‘Merit’ in joining forum, says Melton council

Melton council is likely to seek membership of the Metropolitan Transport Forum.

As reported by the Weekly, the council met with forum representatives last month to discuss joining the local government transport group, which seeks to secure effective, efficient and equitable transport across metropolitan Melbourne.

All other councils in Melbourne’s west are members of the forum.

Councillors will vote on the matter at tonight’s Melton council meeting.

An officer’s report stated there was merit in council joining the forum and collaborating with other councils and the transport sector generally to promote “improved transport for Melbourne as a whole”.

The council will also vote on the proposed relocation of the Vietnam Veterans Association’s Melton sub-branch to Mac’s Cottage at Willows Historical Park.

The association needs to move because
of the expansion of the council’s McKenzie Street community care and inclusion aged centre.

The association planned to move to Blackwood Drive Reserve, but the council was informed in August that this shift couldn’t go ahead due to “unforeseen financial circumstances”.

A report stated the proposed use of the cottage by the association made sense as it was located next to the Melton Men’s Shed, which offers men’s health programs.

The council is also being advised
to approve $22,000 for a gravel car park next to Exford Primary School.

The school’s car park has 50 spaces and hasn’t been able to cope with the huge increase of students at the school.

A report to councillors stated: “In the circumstances, this would seem a reasonable request, particularly given the remote, rural nature of the school whereby students and parents are unable to access the school by means other than by car.”