Fewer burglaries, but assaults on rise across Melton, Moorabool

Assaults have underpinned increases in crime in Moorabool and Melton.

Police figures released last week show total crime in Moorabool increased 10.4 per cent in the 12 months to September – from 2476 offences to 2734.

Total crime in Melton over the same period was up 5.2 per cent (from 8330 cases to 8767).

Moorabool’s Inspector Brendon McCrory said police were placing a major focus on crimes against the person (up 9.7 per cent, from 352 offences to 386). “There are planned operations being conducted in high-risk community locations, with specific attention being paid to licensed premises,” he said.

Inspector McCrory said there had been an increase in intervention orders, many initiated by police on behalf of victims.

While drug offences increased 52.7 per cent (from 74 to 113), he said this was a good sign. “We’re catching the offenders. It covers a wide gambit of drugs. While our main concern is methamphetamine, we also see a lot of cannabis and ecstasy.”

Melton’s Acting Inspector Tim O’Connor said police were encouraging people to report family violence, with a specialised unit available to provide support.

Family violence reports in Melton rose by 66, from 501 to 567.

Acting Inspector O’Connor said total crimes against the person (up 15.5 per cent) had been affected by the rise in assaults, which increased 17.4 per cent. “It’s displeasing to see they are up this high,’’ he said.

“Of the assault figures excluding family violence, on a lot of these occasions the people have been known to each other or are from the prison system.”

Acting Inspector O’Connor said he was pleased with reductions in property and residential burglaries, which he attributed to residents working with police.