Parallel parking, Diggers Rest pupils a hazardous mix

Parents fear changes to parking outside Diggers Rest Primary School will put children’s lives at risk.

Under changes proposed by Melton council, 20 angled parking spaces will be converted to parallel bays before the next school year.

The council says the changes will prevent cars reversing into oncoming traffic on Plumpton Road, but parents are worried it will make the area more dangerous for children.

Cambridge, Coburn and Watts Residents Association president Nathan Miles said consultation had been inadequate.

‘‘Parents didn’t have any idea what was happening until the school had a meeting about it,’’ he said. “The changes mean children will be hopping out of the car on the road side, which means they could get hit by cars. Currently they don’t have to worry about that.”

Diggers Rest resident Alex Jinks, a member of a traffic study group set up by the council, said the plan was ‘‘poorly thought out’’.

Council engineering services manager Les Stokes said the council had met with the school to clarify the situation.

“The upgrade of Plumpton Road will see a significant increase of parking spaces, which will be provided along both sides of the road with designated parking lanes,’’ he said.

“The school frontage will see a zone created to cater for parents wanting to pick up and drop off their children at the gate.’’

While the council will proceed with the parking changes, principal Paul Yeatman said he had been assured a school crossing wouldn’t be moved.

“We discussed traffic issues and the future growth of traffic,’’ Mr Yeatman said. “As long as it’s safe and not putting the students at risk, it’s not an issue.”