Main Street upgrade seen as a winner for everyone

Traders and shoppers will benefit from works to improve the north
side of Main Street in Bacchus Marsh, according to Moorabool council.

Work on the $400,000 third stage of the streetscape project is
about to begin. The work will include new footpaths, landscaping,
street-furniture upgrades and the addition of banner poles.

Council chief executive Rob Croxford said work was scheduled to finish by November.

“[It] will be a great benefit to traders, shoppers and the
community as it will enhance the Main Street and be more aesthetically
pleasing,” he said.

Mr Croxford said shoppers, residents and traders could still access the area while works were in progress. Access to individual premises will be maintained as much as possible.

“We want the community to be aware there may be some disruption and inconvenience, but we will keep that minimal,” he said.

Cr Allan Comrie said the works, which follow improvements to the street’s south side, were long awaited.

“Everyone loves it and is looking forward it,” he said. “It shouldn’t cause any hassles because it’s not affecting the road.”

The project is funded by $300,000 from the state government, $50,000 from Central Business Bacchus Marsh and $50,000 from the council.

Central Business Bacchus Marsh spokesman Malcolm Trask said the council should be applauded for its commitment to beautifying Main Street.

“This project is great news for residents and business owners in Bacchus Marsh,” he said.

In February, Main Street businessman Brent Allan said he believed
the improvements would do little more than improve pedestrian safety.

‘‘It’s just capital works – it’s not going to make a difference to
local business,’’ he said. ‘‘It won’t create more trade. I totally
disagree [with council’s stance].’’