‘Occupy’ council call hits social media

More than 700 people have been invited to “occupy Melton council” as part of a protest at tonight’s monthly meeting.

The social-media invitation urges ratepayers to submit questions, pack the chamber and “help get an administrator appointed”.

The Weekly understands the protest is being organised by a group of residents
frustrated with governance issues, including “unsatisfactory” answers to
their questions. A representative of the group could not be reached for

Melton acting chief executive Maurie Heaney said the council was
aware of the planned protest, which comes after similar events held in
June and February

“Council is investigating all legal remedies available to try to return some normality to meetings,” Mr Heaney said.

“This will also allow members of our community to once again attend our council meetings without disruption.”

Police have been called to five of the seven council meetings this year.

Some residents have been vocal during public question time,
resulting in ejections and proceedings being adjourned. Melton police
Inspector Stephen Mutton said he was aware of the planned protest and
was talking with the council.

“The key thing is the council has a right to have a meeting,
residents have a right to attend and we want the meeting to go ahead.”

In June, the Weekly reported
that frequent calls to deal with unruly residents at council meetings
were frustrating police and diverting attention from other issues.

An agenda released yesterday afternoon included a warning that it
is an offence to disrupt a council meeting. Anyone who disobeys the
direction of the chairperson can be fined $144.36.