Melton commuters still waiting for response to duplication demands

MELTON commuters say they are sick of squashing onto trains “like sardines”.

Residents list regular delays on the Melton train line and a lack of seats to deal with a growing population as daily hassles.

Adam Craig, who travels to the city by train five days a week, said the duplication of the line to Melton was needed now.

“Duplication would be part of the resolution of the issue, because you’d be able to run more services,” he said.

Cambridge, Coburn and Watts Residents Association secretary
Michael Matalewski said Melton residents were constantly bringing up
transport and infrastructure concerns. “It’s a big discussion point, not
just in Melton but Rockbank and Caroline Springs not having a proper

“It’s ridiculous that people have to have standing room only.

“There needs to be electrification and duplication as soon as possible.

‘‘These are things that people wanted years ago. Quite frankly the government isn’t meeting demands.”