Melton mayoral inquiry winds up

THE Local Government Inspectorate has wrapped up an investigation into Melton mayor Kathy Majdlik.

The inspectorate interviewed several sources after claims that Cr
Majdlik offered financial incentives in exchange for preferences from
candidates in last October’s council elections.

A spokesman for the inspectorate said: “There was insufficient
evidence to support a criminal prosecution under section 59 of the Local
Government Act.”

In a statement released late yesterday, Cr Majdlik said: ‘‘Baseless allegations made against me have been proven exactly that.’’

‘‘I believe that the allegations were a personal attack from a
failed candidate after I decided during the election to change my
preferences. Now this matter has been definitively and absolutely
resolved in my favour . . . I am happy to get back to business and
deliver the needs of the Melton city community.’’