Relief for family violence hotspots

Rachna Muddagouni (right) with lawyer Stephanie Tonkin. Picture: Michael Copp

COMMUNITY lawyers believe funding for a full-time expert will help reduce high rates of family violence in Brimbank and Melton.

Community West chief executive Rachna Muddagouni said federal funding of $498,000 over four years would allow the Brimbank Melton Community Legal Centre to employ a family violence lawyer.

Brimbank and Melton had the fourth- and eighth-highest number of reported incidents of family violence in Victoria  in 2011-12, with 1858 and 1308 respectively.

“They are some of the largest catchments of family violence in the state,” Ms Muddagouni said. “Local police do a great job, but now more people will receive legal advice and case work.’’

Ms Muddagouni said that, on average, 74 incidents were reported to police in Melton every month with about 30 reports made in Caroline Springs. 

She expected the new position, funded by the National Crime Prevention Fund, to be filled within weeks.

“Previously we had a lawyer working three days, but they had to cover all aspects of law,” she said.

“This money will make a big difference; they’ll be able to target specific cases of family violence.  They’ll be working on preventive and intervention strategies to deal with the issue.”

Women’s support groups last year welcomed Victoria Police’s appointment of a family violence officer to work with domestic violence units targeting repeat offenders in Brimbank and Melton. 

A family violence unit was launched in Melton after figures revealed reports more than doubled from 2010 to 2011.