Federal election: Raw enthusiasm for rural rights

WHAT’S the difference between politicians and sheep? If there’s an answer to this quip, federal election candidate and Elaine shearer Shane Dunne would know.

Mr Dunne has been preselected to contest the seat of Ballarat for Katter’s Australian Party against sitting Labor MP Catherine King.

The father of three said the new party’s 21 principles addressed what he sees as the main concerns for Australians – buying Australian produce, a check on imported goods and limiting foreign ownership.

He helped form the party’s Ballarat branch with a meeting at the Peter Lalor Hotel on Friday.

Mr Dunne said he wanted to carry his passion for rural Australia’s future into his political dealings. “I’m going in raw, an everyday person, and that’s what we need more of.”

He will run against Liberal candidate John Fitzgibbon, The Greens’ Stephanie Hodgins-May and Palmer United candidate Gerard Murphy in next month’s election.