Your Voice: July 24-30

False allegations

Completely false allegations made against me to the local government inspectorate, regarding my conduct in the October council election, were irresponsibly published by your paper (Mayor under investigation, Weekly, July 23). The allegations are absolutely false and a deliberate attempt to smear my name and reputation. 

The unnamed source you quoted has sought to remain anonymous in a cowardly attempt to damage my reputation and that of council. I am co-operating with the local government inspectorate with their inquiries. It is the duty of the inspectorate to check any claim made, regardless of the accuser’s motivations or credibility. I am fully confident that upon investigation the matter will be dismissed. 

It is of significant disappointment to me your paper has chosen to publicise these accusations given the preliminary nature of the inquiries.

Given the baseless and cowardly nature of these allegations and stories in the local press, I will not be standing down from my position as an elected councillor and mayor of Melton council.

Melton mayor Kathy Majdlik

Question of honour

It is a pity that some of the people of Bacchus Marsh are apparently so insensitive in regards to the Avenue of Honour, which is effectively a substitute war memorial (Your Voice, Weekly, July 23). In Europe, where those remembered gave their lives for country, such a thing would never be contemplated; nor should it be here. We would not build a road through the Shrine of Remembrance either. 

There are viable alternatives available and they ought to be taken. Why is no one asking the obvious question? Where are these trucks coming from, where are they going  and why are they coming through Bacchus Marsh? 

I know that the trucking lobby and their local friends are powerful, but they should be told where to get off. This issue is not about trees and lives here in Bacchus Marsh. It is about the memory of our pioneers, their descendants and those who went away at the cost of their lives to keep our country safe. We should not desecrate their memorial for the sake of commercial expediency.

Robert Van Loon, Darley

Pool of ideas

From the last Moorabool council meeting minutes, councillors are making decisions based on the replies of only 52 ratepayers. What right does the council have to put any individual ratepayer into debt for a swimming pool, or anything else for that matter? 

Times are getting harder financially. We have to assess whether we can afford to pay for things. If the item is too much, we have to opt for the cheaper item. Why can’t Moorabool council build a heated pool complex that it can afford – not one that is going to put residents into debt for the next 10 years?

Debra Bullock, Maddingley