Fighting fire with fire

Mr Simon Ramsay, the member for Western
Victoria, got it wrong in his letter to this paper when
he claimed that a parliamentary committee found that The Greens Fair Protection
for Firefighters legislation “could not be introduced into the Legislative

This was not the Committee’s findings so I hope that Mr Ramsay
actually read the report before he voted for it. 

My open letter to Simon Ramsay
specifically asked if he will protect firefighters and their families by
supporting the Fair Protection for Firefighters laws. His response he did not
answer the question. Another fail. 

Fair protection for firefighter laws are not
new. Greens MP Adam Bandt sponsored the laws in the federal Parliament and was
supported by all sides of politics. As a result federal government employed
firefighters are now protected, but not our Victorian firefighters. Though Mr
Ramsay spoke encouragingly of the laws going into the lower house of

I’m sure members of the community and our firefighters will agree
with me when I say it doesn’t matter if its the upper house or the lower house,
just as long as the laws are put in place as soon as possible so our
fire-fighters are protected. This is what I hope Mr Ramsay will support. 

Colleen Hartland Victorian Greens spokesperson for Emergency Services