THE proposed $19.8 million Bacchus Marsh Aquatic Centre is a step closer to construction after Moorabool council approved a revised funding model.
A report presented to councillors last week said if the amount raised by community contributions exceeded $1 million, funds would be redirected to reduce a proposed loan and special rates scheme.
The council also approved an application for $9.9 million from the Regional Development Australia Fund.
However, after receiving feedback from the aquatic centre’s community consortium, councillors were not in full agreement over whether ratepayers should be asked to pay a special charge for a 10-year period to fund the new facility.
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Cr Tonia Dudzik expressed concern about the effect of an extra rate hike on vulnerable residents.
“I don’t think it should be an automatic charge back to the ratepayer.”
In February, the consortium unveiled plans to raise $1 million for the centre.
Cr Allan Comrie said he remained confident they would succeed. “The Ballan community is smaller than Bacchus Marsh and they’ve managed to do it.”
Cr John Spain said no major concerns had been expressed by the community about a levy to fund the pool’s construction, tipped to “cost the same as a cup of coffee per week”.
“We need the ratepayers to kick in. As long as they’re sure where the money’s going, I’m sure they’re prepared to help out.”