Chair more than just a set of wheels for Cooper

IN some ways, Cooper Van Der Molen is a typical five-year-old – he knows what he wants when he wants it, according to mum Lisa.

But for this Maddingley youngster, who has a form of ectodermal dysplasia, actually going after what he wants without assistance is difficult.

His family hopes life will be made easier with the help of a $13,500 electric wheelchair.

“We went to trial it and he was freaked out at first, but then he held the joystick and realised it makes it move,’’ Mrs Van Der Molen said.

‘‘Then he absolutely loved it.”

Cooper’s disorder affects the hair, nails, sweat glands and teeth. He is unable to sweat, leaving him in constant danger of overheating. 

Another thing that sets him apart from other kids at the Young Street Preschool in Bacchus Marsh is that he can’t have sugar. 

Mrs Van Der Molen said Cooper needed constant care, as well as ongoing physiotherapy, speech pathology and specialist treatment.

She said the wheelchair would make the prospect of starting school next year more realistic.

“We just want him to get his wheelchair and he can cruise around and have freedom, because everything I have to do for him gets frustrating.

‘‘I don’t know what he wants half the time. He can do sign language, but he often makes up his own, and sometimes I have to carry him around and he’ll point to what he wants.”

The Department of Human Services’ State Wide Equipment Program (SWEP) is putting $6000 towards the chair.

The Van Der Molens hope a trivia night fund-raiser from 7.30pm on September 6 will help fill the gap. 

“We’ve already filled six tables,” Mrs Van Der Molen said. 

The trivia night at St Bernards parish hall includes door prizes, raffles and silent auctions.

Tickets are $20.  Bookings: 0400 666 324.