Your Voice: July 10-16

Re: Love conquers all (Inside Story, Weekly, July 9):

Well done to the Weekly for publishing a well-written and relevant story on the issue of gay marriage. I concur completely with the sentiments that our society must grow up and be fair. 

Also well said to Uniting Church’s Reverend Samasoni Nafatali for his willingness to express his own 

views. I totally agree with his views: “They have the right to live life to the full.”

Alaine Beek, Werribee

Marriage is inherently a union between a husband and wife. That’s the core of the institution and the natural core for family creation and role models for children. Gay unions are not the same, and thus they should have their own specific domestic unions, but it can’t be ‘marriage’. 

Mary G (via web)

Re: TAFE plan has ‘failed miserably’ (Weekly, July 9):

I would like to take this opportunity to reply to the untruths being bandied around by Footscray MP Marsha Thomson and to place on the record some facts about vocational training in Victoria. 

Last year, the Coalition government provided a record $1.2 billion per year to fund training in Victoria – $400 million more per year than under Labor’s watch. In 2010, there were 28,900 enrolments in government-funded training in the western metro area. Now there are 52,900, an 83 per cent increase.

Ms Thomson should keep in mind that TAFE enrolments in western metro actually grew by 9 per cent in 2012. Ms Thomson’s allegation that there are fewer enrolments in courses of greatest public and economic importance is simply incorrect. Victorians are now also getting better value for our record investment. In the first three months of 2013 there were 3500 more enrolments in specialised or in-shortage occupations, up 4 per cent compared to this time last year.

This is more training in courses for occupations such as child carers, aged and disabled carers, enrolled and mothercraft nurses and motor mechanics.

There are more training opportunities available for those who need it most. Vocational training continues to be an important pathway to employment in Victoria, with 1000 extra unemployed students engaged in government subsided training so far in 2013 compared to this time last year.

Outcomes such as these should be welcomed by people of all political persuasions.

Higher Education and Skills Minister Peter Hall

Re: Residents rally to councillor over cardboard Napthine ‘stunt’ (Weekly, July 9):

Good on you, Cr Tonia Dudzik.  The squeaky wheel gets the oil – the Premier’s office now knows who you are and that you are serious about getting their attention on this issue.

Ri (via web)

This paternalistic put-down of a democratically elected lady councillor is pathetic. Good to see our former mayor at least has the good sense and moral judgement to stand up for her.

Bob (via web)

Library slips under the radar

What a shame Melton’s new library and learning hub was opened with so little fanfare. As the most important piece of architecture in the shire, it deserved better. 

It’s a pity the lighting at the entrance bears no relationship to the building, and the area now used for parking should be developed as a plaza with comfortable seating and shade and an area for performance.

Douglas J Potts, Kurunjang