No abating of fenceline feuds

THE Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (DSCV) received more than 170 calls from neighbours feuding over fencelines in Melton and Moorabool last financial year.

A total of 147 complaints relating to fence disputes were received in Melton and 25 in Moorabool.  

Another 125 calls about the behaviour of neighbours were received across both municipalities.

Bacchus Marsh resident Bruce Seymour has been advised to contact the DSCV to help resolve an ongoing dispute over a six-metre shipping container that was placed over a laneway that borders his property on June 15.

Eleven other residents have signed a petition objecting to the storage container’s location, which Mr Seymour called an “absolute eyesore”. 

“I look directly on it from my premises and the residents of the adjoining property look at it directly outside their loungeroom.   It detracts from the nice condition of the street.”

Mr Seymour has contacted Moorabool council’s planning unit, which is investigating the matter.

For civil matters, the council recommends the DSCV’s free services as an ideal avenue of dispute resolution. However, the DSCV does not provide legal advice.

“Effective communication is key in resolving disputes yourself,” DSCV spokesman David Leonard said.

He recommended staying relaxed and keeping emotions in check.

“Attack the problem, not the person. Listen to the other party and acknowledge their needs and feelings.”

Dispute Resolution Centre of Victoria: 1800 658 528