Melton highway’s speed limit cut

SPEEDING, tailgating and illegal overtaking on the Melton Highway is putting motorists at risk and leaving police frustrated at the stupidity of some drivers.

VicRoads last month dropped the speed limit on the highway between Melton and Hillside from 90km/h to 70km/h in an effort to reduce road accidents.

Police say the stretch has been the site of a number of serious injury collisions and fatalities in recent years.

Despite a two-week amnesty period when speeding drivers were given warnings, police are still detecting a high number of infringements.

They hope lower speed limits will result in less severe injuries if collisions do occur.

But Melton driver Melissa Craig said the speed reduction had caused a massive headache for motorists and had made the road more dangerous.

She said the road needed to be duplicated.

“The road is a nightmare,” she said. “I constantly see drivers doing the wrong thing, putting themselves at risk.

‘‘You see people weaving in and out.  If you get stuck behind someone, you’re stuck for a long time unless you overtake, which is a gamble.”

Ms Craig uses the road to travel from Melton to Taylors Lakes.

“A lot of people in Melton go to Watergardens shopping centre; this road is the only way in and out,” she said. “On a good run it takes 25-30 minutes. Now, with the reduced speed, it’s a 45-50 minute trip.” 

Melton’s Leading Senior Constable Allan Edwards said police would add extra resources and strictly enforce the new limits.

“We just want people to continue to drive at the normal speed and not be intimidated by tailgaters and overtakers,” he said. 

‘‘All they’re doing is getting 50 metres further down the road. They’re saving less than two seconds. I really can’t understand the mentality of people who are so impatient.’’