Diggers Rest Hotel: Patience wearing thin on ‘eyesore’

RESIDENTS are ramping up efforts to have the remains of the Diggers Rest Hotel demolished, almost five years after the pub was destroyed in a blaze.

They are petitioning Melton council to have the remaining “eyesore” levelled.  Alternatively, they want the council to approve a planning permit to allow the site to be redeveloped.

A deliberately lit fire in October, 2008, destroyed most of the building; some walls and the chimney remain but are part-covered in graffiti.

As reported by the Weekly, there has been a long-running battle between the council, residents and the hotel’s owners over a resolution.

In 2010, 101 letters were submitted to the council demanding action on the site. The hotel’s owners have expressed interest in rebuilding, but cost and heritage issues have proven difficult.

SEE: Diggers Rest’s unwanted landmark

SEE: The hotel on fire in our carousel above

Diggers Rest resident David O’Connor said that with the five-year anniversary approaching,   the community simply wanted a resolution.

An online community survey undertaken by Diggers Rest Community Web Links showed 76 per cent of respondents wanted the remains of the 1854 pub demolished.

“The burnt-out remains have been left to rot and the decaying structure is of no social or historical benefit to our community,” Mr O’Connor said.

“It has always been my wish as a resident to see the hotel redeveloped using most of the existing structure. Five years later, the hotel remains are considered by many residents as a blight on our community.’’

Mr O’Connor said he would keep circulating the petition before presenting it to the council before October’s anniversary.

Council general manager of planning and development Luke Shannon said any petition put forward by residents would be considered in the decision-making process. “Council has paid for a heritage architect to do modelling of the site and provided the owners with a number of options.’’